Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 23 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
NEW! The Friends of Codorus State Park in conjunction with Codorus State Park hosted its first Youth Archaeology Camp for ages 9 - 12!
Students will conduct real archaeology under the leadership of local archaeologist Jeri Jones at the site of the Mary Ann Furnace, the oldest cold-blast furnace west of the Susquehanna River.
Students will learn various procedures in conducting an archaeological excavation.
Cleaning and preparing artifacts for identification and report writing.
The York County History Center will conduct a short program daily on a topic themed to the furnace and mining.
Also, visit the site for a 1-hour program, free of charge, to learn what the kids have learned that week. Open to the public, no registration required. Press release HERE. (The correct address for the program is: 1888 Black Rock Rd, Hanover, PA.)
$240 PER CHILD Online registration only. No refunds. Limited spaces available.
The students must be dropped off and picked up at the furnace site by a parent or guardian and must bring their own lunch and beverages.
Why excavate at Codorus?
Jeri Jones conducted excavations at the furnace site in 2009 and 2010 with the support of the York County Parks. Additional information has been found since then that warrants further excavations.
“The students will hopefully find pieces of the puzzle of understanding how Mary Ann Furnace operated and where various features were located." You can’t get any more real than this.” Jeri Jones